Singled Out is a multi-church fellowship ministry for unmarried individuals who are 25 & Older. The purpose of this ministry is to give single Christians in our area a place to meet in fellowship. The intent is NOT to create a dating group, but rather a gathering place for individuals of varying ages who share a common ground at this point in their lives. The collaborative goal is to give ample opportunities for singles in our area to spend time with others who share their faith and current situation.


Monthly Fellowship Meetings will be potluck style “Game Nights”. Attendees are free to bring entrees, appetizers, snacks, desserts, drinks, or ... most importantly: your favorite game to play! Also, a short Devotional has been added for those interested the cost is $25 per person for 6 week course of Kingdom Singles. Just be at the church a half hour earlier than start of games. This ministry is a great opportunity for you to have a monthly night out with games, food, and Christ-Centered conversation!


We meet on the first Saturday of every month @ The Harbor AG at 6pm. Outings are the third Saturday of every month, and we vote on activities to do outside the meetings at the church. Cost and locations vary.

Hebrews 10:24-25
“ (24) And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, (25) not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”